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I know I'll regret answering this question because there is so much confusion regarding this rifle.

Let me explain. At one time Sheridan, Benjamin and Crosman were 3 different companies. In 1977 Benjamin air gun company bought-out Sheridan and continued the Sheridan line. In 1992 Crosman air gun company bought-out Benjamin and kept both Benjamin and Sheridan lines going. Up until this time the serial numbering system was very poor for Sheridan. There is even confusion around the C, C9, C9A & C9PB as to when they were produced. Most Sheridan models were just marked "Sheridan" From 1949 to 1990 In 1972 serial numbering began with. #000000. As you can see yours had too many numbers to date it.

I Think yours was made sometime after 1990.

See the link below for dates of manufacture and you will see what I mean. Scroll down the page when it opens to the Sheridan section.

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Q: What is age of Benjamin sheridan C9A series 5mm 20 cal serial 004701027?
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What is age of Benjamin Sheridan C9A series 5mm 20 cal serial 300700933?

Sometime around 1980. In 1977 Benjamin bought out Sheridan and for a time they merged the names Benjamin/Sheridan.

How old is a Benjamin sheridan C9A pellet gun?

A short history. Benjamin air rifles and Sheridan air rifles once were separate companies. Sheridan developed the C9 20 caliber series of rifles. Benjamin bought Sheridan and continued to make the C9 20 caliber series rifles. They also made a .177 and a .22 caliber C series rifle called a Benjamin. Crosman bought out Benjamin (in 1992) and decided to continue making the C series. With the name Sheridan on the .20 cal rifle and Benjamin on the .177 & .22 cal rifle some rifles also had the Crosman name on them. ( confused enough?) During all this confusion and name changing the C9A came along. I have 4 reference bluebooks on air guns and not one of them can give me a date for the C9A, But Crosman has a web page that list manufacture dates by serial number for Benjamin and Sheridan. (See the link below) when it opens scroll down to the Sheridan dates. (the first part is all Benjamin) Hopefully you have the serial number and can match the number with a date of manufacture.

How old is a C9 20 cal Benjamin Sheridan pellet gun that just says C9 series by the bolt action?

Sheridan (Owned by Crosman) has made 4 variations of the C9 since 1995. A short history. Benjamin air rifles and Sheridan air rifles once were separate companies. Sheridan developed the C9 20 caliber series of rifles. Benjamin bought Sheridan and continued to make the C9 20 caliber series rifles. They also made a .177 and a .22 caliber C series rifle called a Benjamin. Crosman bought out Benjamin (in 1992) and decided to continue making the C series. With the name Sheridan on the .20 cal rifle and Benjamin on the .177 & .22 cal rifle some rifles also had the Crosman name on them. ( confused enough?) During all this confusion and name changing the C9A came along. I have 4 reference bluebooks on air guns and not one of them can give me a date for the C9A, But Crosman has a web page that list manufacture dates by serial number for Benjamin and Sheridan. (See the link below) when it opens scroll down to the Sheridan dates. (the first part is all Benjamin) Hopefully you have the serial number and can match the number with a date of manufacture.

What is age of Benjamin Sheridan C9A series 5mm 20 cal serial 698705483?

The Benjamin Sheridan C9A was made between 1993 and 1998. the company is owned by Crosman. From 1998 to 2000 the 20 cal was named Sheridan and the .177 & .22 cal were called Benjamin. Originally Benjamin, Sheridan and Crosman were 3 different companies. Crosman now owns all 3. At one point The Benjamin was called a "Benjamin Franklin" as a marketing ploy. Trying to follow these name can really get confusing at times.

How old is your sheridan c serial 510936?

There are many versions of the C series Sheridan Let me explain: Sheridan made air rifles started in 1945 and made a few variations of the C series. Benjamin bought out Sheridan and continued to make the C series ( C9, CB, CBW CW ) From 1949 to 1990 it was marked Sheridan. In 1972 serial numbers were redone and started with #000000. Crosman bought out Benjamin (1992) and continued to make the C series Rifle (It's very popular) The rifle was made in .177, .20, .22 caliber. From 1998-2000 Crosman marketed the C series .177 and .22 Caliber as a Benjamin and the .20 Caliber as a Sheridan. I believe your rifle was made sometime after 1972 when the company was still owned by Benjamin. You may see a C9 Silver Streak or a C9 Blue streak. They are the current C series rifles Final note: at one point during the 1950's the rifle was marketed as a Benjamin Franklin as a marketing ploy. Benjamin Franklin had nothing to do with it. But his name got stuck on it anyway. Along the way the rifle has also been marketed as a Benjamin / Sheridan. ( You confused? so am I.) A rifle like this in good condition would be worth around $105 + or - $20

How can you find out if your sheridan c series 5mm 20 cal?

At one time Sheridan, Benjamin and Crosman were all separate companies. In the 1970's. Benjamin bought out Sheridan and took over the company. In the 1990's Crosman bought out Benjamin. Now Crosman owns all 3 companies. When Benjamin bought out Sheridan they decided to keep the C series design. So they decided to keep the Sheridan name on the .20 mm air rifle and put the Benjamin name on the .177 and .22 caliber 392 series air rifle that looks just like a Sheridan C Series. So All Sheridan C series are .20 caliber and the .177 and .22 are Benjamin's. Crosman decided that this worked well and kept the same arrangement for both models. If you go to the Crosman home page you will find (At the bottom of the page) a link to (Owners and Parts Manuals) there you will find the owners manual in the Benjamin / Sheridan section.

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The Benjamin Sheridan C9A was made between 1993 and 1998. (The company's are owned by Crosman.) From 1998 to 2000 the 20 cal was named Sheridan and the .177 & .22 cal were called Benjamin. ( Same rifle just different calibers.) Originally Benjamin, Sheridan and Crosman were 3 different companies. Crosman now owns all 3. Benjamin bought out Sheridan before Crosman bought out Benjamin and merged them all into one company. Trying to follow these name can really get confusing at times. Source "blue book of airguns 9th edition"

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The Benjamin Sheridan C9A was made between 1993 and 1998. (The company's are owned by Crosman.) From 1998 to 2000 the 20 cal was named Sheridan and the .177 & .22 cal were called Benjamin. ( Same rifle just different calibers.) Originally Benjamin, Sheridan and Crosman were 3 different companies. Crosman now owns all 3. Benjamin bought out Sheridan before Crosman bought out Benjamin and merged them all into one company. Trying to follow these name can really get confusing at times. Source "blue book of airguns 9th edition"

What is the value of a sheridan products c series pellat gun in fair condition?

The C and CB series (NOT the C9 Series) in fair condition is worth around $55 to $85. There are many versions of the C series Sheridan Let me explain: Sheridan made air rifles started in 1945 and made a few variations of the C series. Benjamin bought out Sheridan and continued to make the C series ( C9, CB, CBW CW ) From 1949 to 1990 it was marked Sheridan. In 1972 serial numbers were redone and started with #000000. Crosman bought out Benjamin (1992) and continued to make the C series Rifle (It's very popular) The rifle was made in .177, .20, .22 caliber. From 1998-2000 Crosman marketed the C series .177 and .22 Caliber as a Benjamin and the .20 Caliber as a Sheridan. You may see a C9 Silver Streak or a C9 Blue streak. They are the current C series rifles At one point during the 1950's the rifle was marketed as a Benjamin Franklin as a marketing ploy. Benjamin Franklin had nothing to do with it. But his name got stuck on it anyway. Along the way the rifle has also been marketed as a Benjamin / Sheridan.

What is the age of a Sheridan c series air rifle serial number 478219?

Your best answer should come from the manufacturer's customer service. Today Crosman Corp owns both the Sheridan and Benjamin line of air rifles. See the link below

How old is a c9 series .20 cal Benjamin sheridan pellet gun with just the words c9 series by the bolt action?

The C9 was discontinued in 2012. But I think yours is much older. Sheridan had a very unusual past ( too long to go into here) I suggest you go to the CROSMAN web site and give them the serial number and ask them for information on you rifle. Call them. Crosman owns both Sheridan and the Benjamin line of airguns

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