The Hebrew calendar year 5776 that will start in the evening before September 14, 2015, and will end on October 2, 2016. This year has 385 days and is a leap year with two months named Adar (I & II).
The card number is the sixteen digit card number that runs along the centre to top of the card.
The Scotia Card number is located on the front of the card. The Scotia Card is like any other debit card.
at the right bottom of the card
Imprinted on the front face of the card.
Richard Adar was created in 2003.
Jimmy Adar was born in 1987.
Har Adar was created in 1982.
The population of Har Adar is 3,200.
President Adar was created in 1978.
Adar Beck is 5' 5".
Tamar Adar was born in 1939.
Nissan follows Adar
There are 12 months in the Hebrew calendar. In a leap year there are Adar A and Adar B. Adar is the sixth month.
Adar is the sixth month in the Jewish calendar and typically occurs in February or March in the Gregorian calendar. In a leap year, there is an additional month known as Adar I before the regular Adar, making it a 13-month year.
Adar is the last month of the Jewish calendar. Purim is a Jewish holiday celebrated on the 14th of Adar. They are not one and the same thing.
The Hebrew month Adar is the same in all countries. It is a Spring month.