An ozone, or zone for sort is slang for an ounce of Marijuana, the slang came about somewhere in the late 70's early 80's. It is referenced in multiple songs, Kid Cudi's Maui Wowie for a somewhat recent example.
Its 28 grams in a zone. A zone is only an ounce of weed.
it is a cool person on weed and gets drunk and gets laid every night.
In the littoral zone, you would find algae, plants, insects, and small fish. The limnetic zone is where you would find plankton and small fish. And in the profundal zone, you would find decomposed organic matter and very small organisms.
Weed is weed. If you smoke homegrown weed you will come up positive for weed.
weed weed weed and some more weed
The plural of weed is weeds like the show on Showtime "Weeds".
weed whacker
weed whacker
from the smell. weed has a interesting smell to it. there many kind of weed but smell interesting
weed... you can do weed.
Weed is a boy.
smoke that tumble weed...