It's cheating no matter what. It's cold. If your the girl, your a cold fish. I your the guy, find a warmer fish.
Yes or No. Just take it this way would u consider it cheating if he or she did that too you?
okay, first of all, you are not cheating...he is the one who is cheating. However, it would be great if u left him because he might be cheating on you too...
If you were making out with the guy or had thoughts of doing so then it is cheating and there is no excuse for cheating. If this is the case then you deserved what you got. Even going on steady basis with a boyfriend you should be honest and loyal and if you are tired of your present boyfriend then you should let him know. If you were just talking to another guy and it was completely innocent your boyfriend should have let you explain the circumstances.
No, your just out there having a good time. But if there were any relationships after the dance it would be considered cheating. Some guys might consider it cheating, but if the dancing is not flirtatious--and the dancers are not the best judges of this--and if the boyfriend reacted badly to it, some discussion is necessary between he and the girlfirend.
Not cheating but it does tell you something about your relationship. If you feel the need to flirt with another guy, You are not entirely happy with your current partner. If it's more affection, Compliments or to feel sexy, Your partner is not giving you what you need. Another view: That depends on what the boyfriend thinks. Cheating is a kind of dishonest dealings. If the boyfriend knows a girl or woman likes to flirt just for fun and still wants to be her boyfriend, there is no dishonesty in that relationship and hence no cheating. (But as stated above, it may be a different kind of problem.) However if she flirts with others while allowing her boyfriend to believe she would never flirt with anyone but him, that is dishonest and is thus a kind of cheating. Agreed.
ANSWER: If he gave you something in the past that hurt you, I will not blame you. But you must have a lot of evidence to know if he is cheating on you. If not, all you have is crazy thought.
I personally would not define "liking" someone else while you are seeing someone as cheating, however, it is most definitely not faithful. A guy at my work says this about cheating: "if you would not do it with your boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse in the room, it's cheating." For example: Kissing If you would not kiss that person with the person you are seeing in the room it's cheating. Another example could be less drastic: Holding hands. If you would not hold hands with that person with the person you are dating in the room then it is cheating.
As long as your boyfriend knows what you are doing, who you are going with, and how long you will hang around with this other guy friend.
Any sexual contact with another while in a Relationship is unfaithful.
Red Flag to being in an abusive relationship. Especially if you have been faithful and you are constantly trying to prove it to your boyfriend while he is accusatory. Is he really would have to do the detective work to find that out.
Love hurts for especially the young where there are on and off relationships. It is important for you to realize (keep your self confidence) that he cheated because he feels like a kid in a candy shop and thought he could still be with you while cheating. Cheaters are immature; self absorbed and your boyfriend will probably cheat on the girl he is cheating with now. Cheaters will hang themselves with their own rope. Don't sit around and mope over your cheating boyfriend and realize you are loving; loyal and deserve better than him. Get out with friends; date again and you will soon find someone much better than your cheating ex boyfriend.