Any hand held weapon can be thrown. Some weapons that are designed to be thrown are throwing stars, throwing knives, and spears.
A Grenade.
Spear most likely, it can be thrown too.
A stone that could be thrown .
A silver knife, thrown by Bellatrix.
Probably as a weapon to be thrown, or as a cave shelter.
a weapon that is forcibly thrown or projected at a targets but is not self-propelled
Spear, harpoon, knife, dagger, rock, ...
A boomerang is a weapon that starts with the letter B, and returns to its owner when thrown.
A weapon consisting of balls connected by strong cord, which when thrown entangles the limbs of the quarry.
Native Australian word for a weapon that can return to its owner when thrown.
A boomerang is a weapon that, when thrown, follows a curved trajectory and returns to the thrower. It is designed to come back due to its unique aerodynamic shape and spin. Boomerangs have been historically used for hunting and recreation by Indigenous Australians.