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a Slave coffle was almost like a hand cuff, but instead of putting it around your hands it was used around there necks, so that the slave could not escape or break loose and run away

A Barracoon is where a slave stayed to await there transportation across the Atlantic Ocean. this simplified the traders work by keeping the slave alive and in captivity

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10mo ago

A slave coffle is a group of enslaved individuals chained together and forced to march in a line. A barracoon is a temporary detention facility or slave barracks used to hold captured individuals before they were transported and sold into slavery.

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Q: What is a slave coffle and barracoon?
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What is a slave coffle?

made out of slaves

What is a barracoon?

A barracoon is a type of enclosure or building used to confine slaves before they were sold. It was commonly found in slave trading areas in West Africa and the Americas during the transatlantic slave trade.

What are slave coffles?

A Slave Coffle is someone who sees over slaves yet still is a slave. Usually conducted transportation and stuff.

What happened in a coffle?

In a coffle, enslaved individuals were chained or tied together in a line and forced to march long distances to their destination. This dehumanizing practice was commonly used during the transatlantic slave trade in order to transport enslaved people from one location to another. The conditions during a coffle were often brutal and many individuals suffered from exhaustion, malnutrition, and abuse.

What is really a good sentence for coffle?

The man made a coffle of all his dogs on the path. This is an example of coffle in sentence.

What is a coffle?

A coffle is a group of slaves chained together.

What goes on in a coffle?

In a coffle, animals or slaves are chained together and are forced to walk in a line. In a coffle of slaves, they're often not allowed to talk and must have their hands bound. A coffle is more commonly seen in many pictures of slaves during the early years of the United states.

What is barracoons?

A barracoon is where slaves were kept when they were on ships. They were really cramped, and many of them died of starvation.

What is the meaning of the word coffle and what is it?

group of animals, prisoners, or slaves chained together in a line.

What was a group of enslaved individuals transported together for sale?

A coffle: a group of slaves transported together for sale

Name used for small jails or pens made to hold slaves awaiting transport to America?

The word "barracoon" is derived from a Spanish word for hut, as is the English word barrack. These holding pens and the various slave-trading forts and castles located along the African coast were the principal structures used by European and African slave traders. Illustrated London News--The Mariners' Museum, Newport News, Virginia)

What do you call a group of asses?

Usually referred to as a herd. When the asses are in a line, roped together they can be referred to as coffle. Lesser used term: "pace".