A barracoon is where slaves were kept when they were on ships.
They were really cramped, and many of them died of starvation.
A barracoon is where slaves were kept when they were on ships. They were really cramped, and many of them died of starvation.
A slave coffle is a group of enslaved individuals chained together and forced to march in a line. A barracoon is a temporary detention facility or slave barracks used to hold captured individuals before they were transported and sold into slavery.
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 7 words with the pattern B---A---N. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter B and 5th letter A and 9th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are: baldachin baldaquin balmacaan barbarian barracoon battalion bombardon
The word "barracoon" is derived from a Spanish word for hut, as is the English word barrack. These holding pens and the various slave-trading forts and castles located along the African coast were the principal structures used by European and African slave traders. Illustrated London News--The Mariners' Museum, Newport News, Virginia)
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern B----C-ON. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter B and 6th letter C and 8th letter O and 9th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are: barracoon
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern --RR--OO-. That is, nine letter words with 3rd letter R and 4th letter R and 7th letter O and 8th letter O. In alphabetical order, they are: barracoon
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern B-R----ON. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter B and 3rd letter R and 8th letter O and 9th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are: barperson barracoon
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 7 words with the pattern -A-R-CO--. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter A and 4th letter R and 6th letter C and 7th letter O. In alphabetical order, they are: barracoon barricoes carrycots macrocode macrocopy macrocosm patricoes
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 14 words with the pattern ---R--O-N. That is, nine letter words with 4th letter R and 7th letter O and 9th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are: barracoon hydrozoan hydrozoon microloan overblown overflown overgrown oversworn serricorn shortgown shorthorn sporozoan sporozoon surrejoin
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 43 words with the pattern ---RA--O-. That is, nine letter words with 4th letter R and 5th letter A and 8th letter O. In alphabetical order, they are: adoration attractor barracoon barrancos charangos corrasion courantos detractor embraceor epuration estradiol exaration exoration extractor guarantor huarachos hydration infractor iteration latration libration livraison midrashot migration narration neuration nitration nonrandom operation oviraptor proration refractor retractor serration spiration terrazzos thyratron titration ultracool ultraslow vibration warrantor zebrawood
Although currently used as a racial slur, it was originally a shortened form of "Barracoon," a word first used in the 1800's mostly in the Louisiana Territory and French colonial Africa for a place where slaves, indentured servants, and convicts were kept, usually for temporary purposes such as while being transported. It comes from the Spanish word barracón, (or barracara, the word for hut in Catalan). People took off the "barra" and the "coon" slur was born.The word barracoon may have been first used formally in a legal case by John Quincy Adams in the case before the Supreme Court known as "The United States vs The Amistad" (like in the movie), which was argued in February and March of 1841.
abduction, abjection, abolition, abruption, accession, accordion, accretion, actuation, acylation, addiction, adduction, admission, adoration, adulation, advection, affection, aflatoxin, afternoon, agitation, allantoin, allethrin, alpenhorn, amphibian, amygdalin, amylopsin, anchorman, anchormen, animation, annelidan, anthelion, anthemion, anthocyan, anthozoan, antialien, antiauxin, anticodon, antihuman, antimycin, antitoxin, antiunion, antiurban, antivenin, antiwoman, appertain, apportion, ascension, ascertain, aspersion, assertion, astrakhan, asyndeton, attackman, attackmen, attention, attrition, automaton, avocation, badminton, baldachin, balmacaan, bandwagon, barbarian, barracoon, basilican, battalion, bedridden, bijection, bilirubin, birdbrain, bisection, boatswain, bombardon, bondwoman, bondwomen, boogerman, boogermen, boogeyman, boogeymen, brannigan, breakdown, breakeven, bringdown, bromelain, broomcorn, buckthorn, cacodemon, caecilian, caesarean, caesarian, cameraman, cameramen, candlepin, caparison, capsaicin, carbanion, caretaken, carnation, carnelian, carrageen, caseation, castellan, catamaran, cathepsin, cattleman, cattlemen, causation, celloidin, centurion, cessation, chalazion, chalcogen, chameleon, champaign, charlatan, charwoman, charwomen, chatelain, chawbacon, checkrein, chelation, chelonian, chieftain, chilblain, chinkapin, chromatin, chromogen, chthonian, churchman, churchmen, ciliation, circadian, cisplatin, clampdown, clergyman, clergymen, clinician, closedown, cnidarian, coalition, cobalamin, cocaptain, cognation, cognition, colcannon, collation, collegian, collision, collodion, collusion, commotion, communion, companion, concision, condition, confusion, connexion, constrain, contagion, contusion, cornelian, cornerman, cornermen, corrasion, corrosion, cotillion, cotyledon, countdown, courtesan, cowritten, crackdown, cracksman, cracksmen, craftsman, craftsmen, cremation, crenation, criterion, crosstown, custodian, cyclopean, cyclotron, cytokinin, cytolysin, cytotoxin, dalmatian, damnation, dandelion, dealation, deathsman, deathsmen, decapodan, decathlon, deception, decillion, decoction, deduction, defection, deflation, dejection, demission, dentition, depiction, depletion, desertion, detection, detention, detrition, deviation, dictation, dietician, dietitian, diffusion, digestion, digitalin, digitonin, digitoxin, dimension, direction, disburden, disproven, disseisin, disseizin, diversion, dodecagon, doubleton, draconian, draftsman, draftsmen, duralumin, dystopian, ealdorman, ealdormen, earthborn, education, effluxion, egression, eiderdown, eledoisin, elevation, elocution, emanation, emulation, encrimson, endorphin, endotoxin, enlighten, entertain, entropion, epicurean, epilation, erudition, euclidean, euclidian, eutherian, evergreen, evocation, evolution, exception, exciseman, excisemen, exclusion, excretion, excursion, execution, exemption, expansion, expiation, explosion, expulsion, exsertion, extension, extortion, extrusion, exudation, eyestrain, fellaheen, fellation, fellowman, fellowmen, filiation, firethorn, firstborn, fisherman, fishermen, flagellin, flotation, foliation, forbidden, forebrain, foreknown, foreshown, foresworn, foretoken, forewoman, forewomen, forgotten, formation, francolin, furcation, gammadion, garageman, garagemen, gemmation, gentleman, gentlemen, gerfalcon, gestalten, gestation, goitrogen, gorgonian, gradation, grantsman, grantsmen, greenhorn, grimalkin, groomsman, groomsmen, grosgrain, guardsman, guardsmen, guildsman, guildsmen, guncotton, gustation, guttation, gyrfalcon, habergeon, hagridden, halogeton, handblown, handwoven, harlequin, harmattan, hartshorn, heartburn, heliozoan, hemolysin, herculean, hifalutin, hindbrain, historian, hobgoblin, homegrown, honeymoon, horsebean, hydration, hydrozoan, ibuprofen, ichneumon, iguanodon, imitation, immersion, immunogen, impaction, impassion, implosion, impulsion, inanition, incaution, inception, inclusion, incursion, indention, indiction, indigotin, induction, infection, inflation, inflexion, ingestion, injection, insertion, intension, intention, interclan, intrusion, intuition, inunction, invention, inversion, irruption, isolation, iteration, joyridden, kanamycin, keybutton, kilderkin, kinswoman, kinswomen, knockdown, krummhorn, lactation, lamebrain, laminarin, laudation, layperson, letterman, lettermen, leviathan, librarian, libration, lineation, liquation, liveryman, liverymen, longicorn, luciferin, lumberman, lumbermen, magnesian, magnetron, malathion, mammalian, manhattan, mannequin, marmorean, medaillon, medallion, mediation, melatonin, mellotron, melphalan, mentation, merbromin, mercaptan, metheglin, middleman, middlemen, migration, minuteman, minutemen, misbutton, misdriven, misgovern, misreckon, misshapen, misspoken, misthrown, mitomycin, modillion, molluscan, molluskan, morphogen, mortician, mujahedin, multipion, muskmelon, mycotoxin, myoglobin, myrobalan, narration, nebenkern, nemertean, nervation, newswoman, newswomen, nightgown, ninhydrin, nitration, nonaction, nonfrozen, nonillion, nonperson, nonvirgin, nutrition, oarswoman, oarswomen, objection, obsession, obtrusion, obviation, occlusion, octillion, offscreen, olecranon, oleoresin, olfaction, ombudsman, ombudsmen, onionskin, operation, orangutan, outbidden, outdesign, outdriven, outridden, outspoken, outthrown, ovalbumin, overblown, overclean, overdrawn, overeaten, overflown, overgrown, overladen, overlearn, overtaken, overtrain, ovulation, oxacillin, oxidation, oysterman, oystermen, ozonation, palanquin, palmation, palpation, pantaloon, pantryman, pantrymen, parathion, parhelion, partition, pastedown, patrician, patrolman, patrolmen, pellagrin, peneplain, penstemon, perdition, perfusion, persimmon, pervasion, phasedown, phellogen, phelonion, phenytoin, phonation, physician, pickaroon, pistareen, placation, plainsman, plainsmen, planarian, planation, plantsman, plantsmen, plication, plutonian, policeman, policemen, pollution, polymyxin, porcelain, porphyrin, postilion, praenomen, preassign, precisian, precision, predation, prefrozen, prelusion, premodern, prenotion, preordain, prereturn, prescreen, preseason, pretorian, prevision, privation, probation, profusion, progestin, prolactin, prolusion, promotion, pronation, pronghorn, properdin, proration, prosimian, protistan, protozoan, protozoon, provision, ptarmigan, pulsation, purgation, puromycin, pyrethrin, pyroxylin, quarryman, quarrymen, quercetin, quotation, quotidian, radiation, rebellion, recension, reception, recession, reclusion, recursion, redaction, reduction, reedition, refashion, refection, reflation, reflexion, refreshen, rejection, reliction, remission, remoisten, rendition, repairman, repairmen, repattern, repletion, reptilian, repulsion, resection, restriven, retention, retighten, reversion, revulsion, rewritten, rhodopsin, ribavirin, roughhewn, roundsman, roundsmen, ruination, saccharin, sacristan, safetyman, safetymen, salaryman, salarymen, saltation, salvarsan, salvation, samaritan, sannyasin, sapogenin, saskatoon, satiation, saxitoxin, scarfskin, schlieren, schnecken, schoolman, schoolmen, sclerotin, screwbean, scutcheon, secession, seclusion, secretion, sectarian, seduction, selachian, selection, selectman, selectmen, semicolon, sensation, serotonin, serration, seventeen, shakedown, shantyman, shantymen, sharifian, sharkskin, sheepskin, shorthorn, sightseen, signalman, signalmen, siltation, simpleton, singleton, situation, snakeskin, solvation, sortition, soupspoon, sovereign, sphenodon, spillikin, spleuchan, spoilsman, spoilsmen, spokesman, spokesmen, sporozoan, sporozoon, sportsman, sportsmen, stableman, stablemen, stanchion, statesman, statesmen, steersman, steersmen, stillborn, stinkhorn, striation, strongman, strongmen, subaltern, subdeacon, sublation, submicron, subregion, suctorian, suffragan, suffusion, summation, sunscreen, superlain, superthin, suspicion, swansdown, switchman, switchmen, swordsman, swordsmen, sympathin, synkaryon, tactician, talkathon, tamoxifen, tarnation, tarpaulin, tearstain, teratogen, thereupon, threadfin, thyratron, tillerman, tillermen, timberman, timbermen, titration, touchdown, tradesman, tradesmen, tradition, tragedian, tretinoin, triathlon, tribesman, tribesmen, trihedron, truncheon, tyrocidin, ultrathin, ululation, unbeknown, uncertain, unconcern, underlain, underspin, unitarian, untrodden, unwritten, upswollen, urination, valuation, variation, vasotocin, velveteen, venireman, veniremen, vermilion, vernation, vestryman, vestrymen, vibration, violation, vitiation, vulcanian, vulgarian, walkathon, washbasin, washerman, washermen, washwoman, washwomen, waterworn, wheelsman, wheelsmen, whereupon, windblown, wiredrawn, wisewoman, wisewomen, withdrawn, workwoman, workwomen, yachtsman, yachtsmen, yellowfin803 words