A skimmer weir is the plastic flap and the opening of the skimmer. It traps leaves that are pulled into the skimmer when the pump is running and then holds the leaves in the skimmer whne the pump shuts down
Does it go from the top or bottom
Could be the water level of the pool is too low. Top up with the hose into the skimmer basket.
Your skimmer door is called a weir. A weir is a pivoting flap, door or dam in a skimmer that keeps bugs and leaves from re-entering a pool or spa by collecting the debris in a basket while letting water recycle through the filter system.
The weir door is not a necessity - however it does help prevent debris that's accumulated inside the skimmer basket from floating back into the pool when the pump shuts off. I guess if you are really really good about keeping baskets clean ORRRR if you run your pump 24/7 - then I guess the weir door is useless. But rarely does anyone do either! So I would keep the weir door in! Improvement suggestion 6-11 The weir increases the water flow into the skimmer by reducing the opening of the skimmer. The increased water flow occurs at the surface and this improves skimming of oils and debris from the surface of the pool. A weir may or may not be required by the code officials. It is not a disaster if it is missing but it is a desired feature.
If you mean a weir, the answer is no. The weir is meant to keep the bugs, leaves, etc from going back out onto the surface of the pool especially when the system shuts down. By skimmer plate, just what do you mean by the term? Ken
The Hayward "flapper" weir has a tab near the hinge that can be compressed with a thin tool and the weir can be removed and the new one inserted. It should take less than 5 minutes.
The purpose is to keep the skimmed item (insects, leaves, etc.) in the skimmer, so when you create waves in the pool they don't wash back out in the swimming area.
Your skimmer line may be plugged up, in which case you may be able to blow it out with a Co2 cannister or a water bladder. Your water level may be too high, it should be about 1/2 way up the skimmer opening, or your weir may be stuck or completely gone. You can buy replacement weirs.
The address of the Weir Public Library is: 612 South Jefferson, Weir, 66781 0248
Molly Weir's birth name is Mary Weir.
Weir Revie's birth name is Andrew Weir Revie.
Bill Weir's birth name is William Francis Weir.