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Having parents who were alcoholics.

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Q: What is a risk factor for becoming an alcoholic?
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Do adults have a greater risk of becoming an alcoholic than teenagers?

yur mum

Who and What can be affected when becoming an Alcoholic?

you, your liver, and the people around you.

Statistics on tubal ligation pregnancy?

There is a slight risk immediately following tubal ligation surgery of becoming pregnant. After one year the risk factor of pregnancy is 1 in 1000.

What is a synonym for risk factor?

risk factor

Can a person who has an Alcoholic relative become an Alcoholic?

Yes, but being aware that it is possible arms the person with a powerful tool to avoid becoming an alcoholic him- or herself.

How much time will pass before becoming an alcoholic?

You are an alcoholic is alcohol causes problems in your life or the lives of those who love and care about you.

What is a risk factor to the muscular system?

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Can drinks at the bar be low risk?

Yes if they are non alcoholic.

What are the risk in removing scrotum?

You risk of becoming a woman.

What if you want to drink but you keep yourself from doing so could you be an alcoholic?

If you do not drink you cannot be an alcoholic. The term "alcoholic" refers to one who cannot control his/her drinking habits. By keeping yourself from drinking, you refrain from becoming and alcoholic.

What is false with regard to the risk of alcohol abuse by children of alcoholics?

only the son is at risk if the father is an alcoholic

Anything that increases the chance of disease or injury?

A risk factor.