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To hold the nose ring watever

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Q: What is a nose ring retainer?
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How do you hide a nose stud?

Get something called a retainer : Its a clear nose ring . : )

Hide nose ring?

Yes it's called a nostril retainer.

What can you use in place of nose ring?

A clear retainer so that it cant be seen during a job or some meeting.

I wear a nose ring. I switched it to a straight clear stud retainer for work and after a few hours my nose ring wouldn't fit back in. What type of piercing retainer works for a nose ring?

The type of retainer that you got should work just fine. What it sounds like to me is that you got two different pieces of jewelry of two different sizes, the clear retainer being probably just a gauge smaller than the nose screw that you would normally wear in it. The best thing for you to do in this instance is to go to shop that you got the piercing done at, let the piercer determine the gauge, and they will then get you an appropriate screw of that same size. Once your nostril has chilled out and healed, you should be able to get the original piece back in there.

How can you hide a nose stud?

A clear piercing retainer

What nose type is right for a nose ring?

Most noses will look good-nice with a nose ring, except big noses!Greek Nose: too high for a nose ring!Roman Nose: too masculine for a nose ring!Dinarid Nose: too masculine for a nose ring!Armenid Nose: too hooked for a nose ring!Syrid Nose: too curved for a nose ring!Arabid Nose: too long for a nose ring!The above is based on an opinion, so best speak to your professional body piercer for the best feed back in regards to your request.

When is nose ring day?

Everyday is nose ring day.

Can you use something to replace your belly ring?

clear retainer

Does Kelly Clarkson have a nose ring?

ya she has a nose ring on her left nostril.

Can you get your tongue pierced with a retainer that you wear all the time?

No because when you are removing the retainer it can quite easily get caught on the tongue ring. This will cause pain and displeasure, it can even rip the ring out. An infection is also much more likely to occur because you produce far more saliva with a retainer.

How do you replace the Left Hand headlight retainer rim on a 1990 sl?

I do not know that is why I asked the question. The retainer ring has a plastic or acrylic frame around it.

What is a navel ring retainer?

it is a plastic piece you put in to retain your navel piercing