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A clear retainer so that it cant be seen during a job or some meeting.

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Q: What can you use in place of nose ring?
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Related questions

Can I use my earring studs in place of a nose ring?

Yes, as long as they are the same size you can interchange earring studs and nose ring studs.

What nose type is right for a nose ring?

Most noses will look good-nice with a nose ring, except big noses!Greek Nose: too high for a nose ring!Roman Nose: too masculine for a nose ring!Dinarid Nose: too masculine for a nose ring!Armenid Nose: too hooked for a nose ring!Syrid Nose: too curved for a nose ring!Arabid Nose: too long for a nose ring!The above is based on an opinion, so best speak to your professional body piercer for the best feed back in regards to your request.

When is nose ring day?

Everyday is nose ring day.

What is a nose ring retainer?

To hold the nose ring watever

Will a pig still be friendly if you ring its nose?

A ring in the nose of a pig is not usually used to keep it calm, it may actually make it's behaviour worse. A pig uses it's nose for many purposes such as rooting at the ground, mating and smell. Putting a ring in it's nose will damage it's use.

Does Kelly Clarkson have a nose ring?

ya she has a nose ring on her left nostril.

What type of nose ring should you use?

Piercers usually pierce with a nose screw because it is the most secure and best for healing.

Does rft have a nose ring?

He/she used to have a nose ring until his/her mother enlarged the hole and he/she refused to wear the nose ring ever again. It was a tragic thing that scarred him/her forever!

What is a retaining ring?

To hold the nose ring watever

Does kesha have a nose ring?

yes ke$ha has a nose ring is a hoop with a k on the end of it

What is the English name for mukuthi which is wear in nose?

Commonly mukuthi is being called as nose ring in english.

Can you use a nose ring for a lip piercing?

Technically, if its a ring, sure but keep in mind ur lip may be thicker then ur nose, u don't want to constrict ur lip and cause any problems, possibly best to just get a lip ring.