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Q: What is a moderate dose effect of marijuana?
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Which is not an effect of a moderate dose of LSD?

Becoming a purple elephant is not an effect. Soiling ones pants is also not an effect. You cannot walk through walls. You wont become Chuck Noris. You cannot fly.

What effect does marijuana have on the eye pupils?

Very little is understood about the effect marijuana has on our eyes. Marijuana effects defferent people differently.

Is vicodin and marijuana together bad?

Any time you combine two drugs, you multiply the risks of a bad reaction, or an overreaction. But generally speaking, a moderate dose of vicodin (swallowed) combined with a moderate dose of marijuana (smoked or swallowed) is not particularly dangerous. Basically you'll feel very blissed out and probably sleepy. If you have a low tolerance, it could make you super-drowsy, and of course you shouldn't try to drive while on either of them, and be extra careful if you drink any alcohol (e.g. 1 beer to wash it down).

Can you over dose on marijuana?

no. Marijuana can be smoked as plentiful as possible, it does not affect your heart, only your brain.

What effect does marijuana have on a pesron?

A pesron is a tiny invertebrate found only in the pituitary gland of an elephant. When you dose it with maijuana it does a little dance of happiness and causes the elephant to fart.

How does marijuana effect the emotions?

Marijuana is a mild depressant

Does marijuana effect taste buds?

Marijuana in and of itself will not effect the taste buds. However, marijuana can increase your appetite, making food more appealing.

What is moderate use of marijuana?

1/4 ounce per week or less.

Does marijuana lotion goes on your blood stream?

yes it dose.

What is better to smoke cigarettes or marijuana?

A national study suggests that low to moderate use of marijuana is less harmful to users' lungs than exposure to tobacco.

What is an effect from marijuana?

You get stoned

Does marijuana effect colonoscopy?
