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ADL OR BDL? There is a difference.

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Q: What is a model 700 Remington 22-250 with bull barrel worth?
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What is the value of a Remington 29 T 32 barrel worth in great condition

What is a Remington model 24 double barrel shotgun worth?

Model 24 is a semi-auto 22.

Where can I buy a Remington 870 slug barrel?

Almost every gun shop worth its salt should have a slug barrel for the remington model 870,if not then they should be able to order one with no problem.

What is a Remington double barrel shotgun worth made in the 1950's?

Depends on the model and condition. It can be worth nothing to several thousand.

Remington model 58 serial number152684v what is it worth came with a vented rib barrel and a slug barrel excellentcondition and a faily heirloom?

Is it a sportsmaster .22?? If it is i can tell you.

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A 1895 Remington single barrel 12 gauge shotgun is worth between $200 and $2,000 depending on its condition. The actual value will vary greatly based on the specific model and the buyers interested.

What is a 1950 Remington 22 rifle worth?

Depends on which model and condition, bolt, pump, ??? How do you know it's a 1950 barrel code?

What year was Remington Model 34 sn 144040 made and what is it worth?

Check the date code on the barrel, the details and table lookup are on the Remington Society of America, manufactured date link.

What is a model 8 35 Remington gas powered semiautomatic rifle worth?

Remington 8 is NOT gas operated. there is a recoil spring under the barrel shroud. they range from $350 to $650 depending on condition and caliber. Remington 8 is NOT gas operated. there is a recoil spring under the barrel shroud. they range from $350 to $650 depending on condition and caliber. Remington model 8 is NOT gas operated. it has recoiling barrel. there is a spring under the barrel shroud. prices are $350 to $650 depending on condition and caliber.

What is a Remington Model 10T with a raised VR 32 inch barrel with fancy walnut wood in NRA excellent condition worth?

just like the rest what ever u can get i have one loking for a barrel

What is a Remington model 3600 rifle worth?

No such model number