If you mean "miscarriage", it is when the baby dies and is expelled from the body, usually early on in the pregnancy.
well, you are not fully compatable with your eggs and/or you are not able to carry the egg and sperm just yet. it also could have ben the wrong time to have "tried".
If she went to the hospital, ask to see discharge papers. If it happened at home, ask if there was blood on the sheets and then see if your laundry detergent seem lower than before. I would wait a while and bring up the subject of babies and see if she seem like she wanted to have one. Her reaction can tell you if she really wanted a baby or not.
yes i am 5 weeks and had ultrasound yestreday seen the sac but not the baby yet had cramping pain but i think it will be ok i have had 3 misscarges befor and the pain was diffrent iand i would of started bleeding allready if it was again a misscarge
Yes, it is possible to have a miscarriage before you know you're pregnant. It happens a lot more than, I think, people know about. I think a doctor can do an exam to tell if you've had a miscarriage or not, but it probably has to be soon after. Call a doctor right away if you want to know. you could definatly have a misscarage before you know you are pregnant because some times you do have what you think are periods so you don't notice changes in your body. some people go full term with out knowing there are pregnant. but i don't think it is possible for a doctor to check if you have had a misscarge once the misscarage is complete.
i'v been pregnant befor about 8 weeks i had a misscarge iv been trying to get pregnant again. i took 2 pregnancy test a week befor my period was due (ept) both come back positive took 2 first response came back negtive 1 cvs brand test came back positive i took the 2 ept in the morning and cvs brand in the morning first response in the night i had a 2 and a half day period i never experince this with my 1st pregnancy i had little bit of clotting but nother like my 1st period no cramps small ones my normle period last for 4 to 5 days it was vary lite to me could some one help i cant afored a doctor right now.