One presumes that you mean apart from sobriety?
Any good multivitamin will do about as much as can be expected. The problem is that consumption of alcohol affects the way the body absorbs nutrients, so supplements seldom do much good -- if the person remembers to take them. Most vitamins and minerals are gotten from food, and in order to be absorbed properly supplements should be taken with meals -- another problem with chronic drinkers.
Not if you are a heavy drinker, but studies have shown that moderate drinkers live longer than both people who don't drink at all and heavy drinkers. Moderate drinking can also lower a person's risk of coronary heart disease, heart attack, and other heart related issues. Drinkers can sometimes even have a much lower chance of getting Alzheimer's disease later in life. This information and more can be found on:
At about .02 to .04% BAC the alcohol begins to deaden the executive portions of the brain. The drinker's ability to make good decisions is one of the first things to go. That is why so many people drive after they've been drinking.
The enclosed documents are supplement to the original documents presented.
I was in the restaurant business for 27 years. About 90% of the people I worked with were alcoholics. At every level from dish person to CEO/Owner. I would say the chances of Bobby being a heavy drinker are pretty good.
Perhaps a good mineral vitamin supplement may be helpful but more likley you should speak to a doctor that specializes in this field so they can help you get on track. Searching on the worl wide web for "what would be a good supplement for ADHD" would also be a good idea.
It is up to you. If you don't drink at all, you do not have to worry. If you do, there is an excellent chance that you will turn into a heavy drinker yourself. Take a good look at your parents and decide if you want to take a chance on turning out the same way.
The supplement will help and also eating foods like bananas that have potassium in them. Potatoes are also a good source of potassium. Vitamin E supplement would help your leg cramps 400 units of natural d-Alpha Tocopheryl everyday. Also Magnesium Citrate right before bed. Try to avoid alcohol beverages, as this aggravates leg cramps. If you have severe cramping avoid all alcohol especially beer which brings on cramping in some people. Potassium is great for your heart (see above answer).
Alcohol is good for the body if consumed in moderation.
Alcohol in and by itself cant. However check out some secondary causes of alcohol abuse, IF you are a persistent heavy drinker(binge drinking especially), you are at risk of developing calicifications in your pancreas. This reduces the proper function of your pancreas over time and can produces what are called pseudocysts. This can be the culprit that will cause you to possibly bleed to death because depending on where the pseudocyst is, it can burst your spleen. I say this because it is exactly what happened to me. I was lucky I was sober at the time it burst at 1:30 in the morning , that way I could feel the emense pain of the rupture and feel the incredible instant nausea and blood vomiting, that I did not aspirate into my lungs.
Alcohol isn't good for any breed of dog.
Juice Plus really isn't a supplement. It's natural, fruit and vegetable nutrients encapsulated.