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Yes. A good colitis diet includes 8 to 10 glasses of water for hydration; high fiber during flare-devoid periods and lowe- fiber during flare-ups; no lactose; limited caffeine, alcohol and sorbitol; limited gas- producing foods such as cabbage; and fish oil and flax seed supplements.

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11y ago

A good diet for a person with ulcerative colitis should be based on a well-balanced diet that's high in protein, complex carbohydrates, whole grains, and good fats.

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Q: What is a good colitis diet?
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Is protein good for a person with colitis?

Yes, a high protein and low residue diet is good for colitis

Where online can I find a good colitis diet?

There are many plans out there designed to help those with colitis. WebMD offers an in-depth look at what one's diet should comprise of at their website URL:

What is a good diet for someone suffering from colitis?

There are some good diet tips here

What foods should I eat and what foods should I avoid when i have colitis?

There are no dietary restrictions for colitis. Avoidance of milk and diary products and highly spiced food can sometimes help some patients with colitis.

Where can I find a good diet program for ucerative colitis?

A good diet for ucerative colitis involves things like protein, fiber, and fruits and vegetables. Avoid items with high-fat content. Also try to eat meals regularly, as it is better for your body.

What is the best diet to treat ulcerative colitis?

It has been said that if you want to go on an Ulcerative Colitis Diet plan, you should eat a well-balanced diet which has quite a bit of protein (like meats, or tofu), complex carbs, whole grains and good fats.

Is a gluten free diet effective for ulcerative colitis?

A gluten free diet is very effective for ulcerative colitis. Since ulcerative colitis is an intolerance to gluten, one with this condition would benefit greatly from a gluten free diet.

What are some diets for colitis?

Living with colitis can be difficult, but adding or eliminating some foods from your diet can be helpful. Learn about diets for colitis here: and here:

Is there an ulcerative colitis diet that can help to reduce the symptoms of the disorder?

Ulcerative colitis can be a horrible disease to have, but there are things that you can eat to help the situation.���ulcerative-colitis/���creating-an-ulcerative-colitis-plan

Is there a special colitis diet?

A special colitis diet can be that of eating a heart healthy diet. Foods such as low fat milk, avoiding salt, nuts, and lean meats can be beneficial.

What foods should be avoided on the colitis diet?

A good colitis diet is to include good fats, complex carbs and protein. Everything else should be allowed in absolute small portions and not often. Alcohol, nuts and spicy sauces should be avoided at all costs. Caffeine can hurt too.

What does a diet for ulcerative colitis do for the person who has this condition?

Ulcerative colitis is an autoimmune disorder. You do not need to be on a special diet for it! Although moderating your diet may ease discomfort and pain associated with the diagnosis.