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demanding |diˈmandi ng | |dəˈmøndɪŋ| |diˈmøndɪŋ| |dɪˈmɑːndɪŋ| adjective (of a task) requiring much skill or effort : she has a busy and demanding job. • (of a person) making others work hard or meet high standards. fastidious |fasˈtidēəs| adjective very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail : he chooses his words with fastidious care. • very concerned about matters of cleanliness : the child seemed fastidious about getting her fingers sticky or dirty.

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What does it mean for a person to be fastidious and demanding?

To be fastidious means to be damanding or critical. To be demanding means to be an intensive effort for attention. So a person who is fastidious and demanding is to be very critical about everything.

What does fastidious mean?

Fastidious means having an extreme concern about cleanliness, or neatness, or propriety. A fastidious person cares about very small flaws or problems.Difficult to please; demanding

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A fastidious person is someone who is very demanding or hard to please, critical in thinking, meticulous and fussy. "Fastidiously" means doing things in the manner of such a person.

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Picky, very fussy, very careful hope this helps

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