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To be fastidious means to be damanding or critical. To be demanding means to be an intensive effort for attention. So a person who is fastidious and demanding is to be very critical about everything.

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Q: What does it mean for a person to be fastidious and demanding?
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What is a demanding and fastidious person?

demanding |diˈmandi ng | |dəˈmøndɪŋ| |diˈmøndɪŋ| |dɪˈmɑːndɪŋ| adjective (of a task) requiring much skill or effort : she has a busy and demanding job. • (of a person) making others work hard or meet high standards. fastidious |fasˈtidēəs| adjective very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail : he chooses his words with fastidious care. • very concerned about matters of cleanliness : the child seemed fastidious about getting her fingers sticky or dirty.

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What does the word fastidiously mean?

A fastidious person is someone who is very demanding or hard to please, critical in thinking, meticulous and fussy. "Fastidiously" means doing things in the manner of such a person.

What does fastidious mean?

Fastidious means being very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail, often to an excessive degree. It can also describe someone who is difficult to please or easily disgusted.

What is the synonym for fastidious?

Picky, very fussy, very careful hope this helps

What does importunistic mean?

an insistent or demanding insinuation or request or person.

Can facetious mean fastidious?

No. Facetious means jokingly or in jest. Fastidious means particular or fussily tidy

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How can put fastidious in a sentence?

I am not fastidious.

Can you give me a sentence for fastidious?

My uncle is a fastidious eater.

How do you used the word fastidious in a sentence?

She was known for her fastidious attention to detail when it came to organizing her workspace.

Use fastidious in a sentence?

Lena's fastidious attention to detail ensured that the project was completed flawlessly and on time.