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100-1000 depending on specifics

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Q: What is a colt 380 auto pistol worth?
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1908 colt hamerless 380 auto?

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What is the date of manufacture for a colt 380 hammerless auto pistol 71310? has Colt sn data.

What does acp mean on a .380 pistol?

the ACP in any gun cartridge means Colt Auto Pistol

Price used excellent condition colt mk IVseries 80-380 auto pistol?

300-425 USD

What is the estimated value of Colt Auto 380 hammerless pistol 85815?

100-1000 USD pending more of a description.

Value of a colt 380 pistol colt?

0-1000 usd

Is 380 auto the same as 380 ACP?

.380 ACP means .380 Caliber, Automatic Colt Pistol. Often shortened to 380 auto. In other parts of the world, the 380 ACP is called a "9mm short" (or Kurtz, Corto other languages for "short."). So yes.

Value of Colt auto 380 auto 1897-1903?

.380 1903

What is 1887 colt pistol 380 worth?

I could not find any 380 cal. pistol going back to 1887 ??? are you sure it's not a 38 cal. revolver ???? check writting on top of barrel ......................

What is mfg date of a colt 380 pistol serial number rc57495?

You will have to call Colt

How do you disassemble a colt hammerless caliber .32 semi auto pistol?

Go to this site: and scroll down to Colt 32 & 380 hammerless. It will give you the manual in pfd form on how to assemble & disassamble your Colt.

What does ruger 380 acp mean?

Ruger is the name of the company that made the pistol. .380 ACP is the cartridge size. ACP stands for Automatic Colt Pistol- part of the cartridge name, as some of the first of the .380 cartridges were made for use in Colt pistols..