Go to this site: http://stevespages.com/page7b.htm and scroll down to Colt 32 & 380 hammerless. It will give you the manual in pfd form on how to assemble & disassamble your Colt.
Your best bet is to find a gunsmith and ask for help.
Proofhouse.com has Colt sn data.
J.B. Wood's book on auto pisto disassembly
Made in 1916, if 1903 hammerless .32
1934 for the Colt 1903 hammerless .32.
100-1000 USD pending more of a description.
About $100-$125
Caliber is .45 GAP (Glock auto pistol)
Yes- but not very common. There is an automatic pistol caliber known as the .38 Super, which does not interchange with the .38 Special revolver cartridge. There have been a small number of target pistols built to shoot .38 Special Wadcutter target ammo. And there is at least one auto pistol made in caliber .357 Magnum (revolver cartridge). However, revolver ammo is rimmed, and auto pistol ammo is rimless- there are usually feeding problems when an auto pistol is made for revolver ammo.
100-400 or so
If you are looking for age, a Colt 1903 hammerless .32 with that serial number was made in 1916.
Need to know caliber, barrel length and whether it is a revolver or semi-auto pistol in order to answer.