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Having a balance diet is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle, but to help you narrow down your options, you should know what a diet is. It is important to know what your limitations are and which foods are good for you. choosing to be healthy is a commendable effort and it makes a lot easier for everyone else if you are healthy.

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Q: What is a balanced diet for adults?
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What is the recommended daily intake of Calories for adults?

a recommended daily diet for a adult is a balanced diet of vegetables,carbohydrates, and protein

Is junk food good for children?

Yes and no- All children and adults need a balanced diet so they can have a little but not a lot :)

It is correct to say balanced diet or balance diet?

Balanced diet

When can you that you are eating a balanced diet?

When you can that you are eating a balanced diet.

Does balanced meal and balanced diet the same?

not necessarily, all meals don't have to be balanced for the total diet to be balanced.

What are the FDA's recommendations for protein intake?

The FDA recommends that adults consume about 50 grams of protein per day as part of a balanced diet.

What are the disadvantages of a balanced diet?

when a person follows a wrong balanced diet. For example a diabetic following a normal person's balanced diet

Who must have a balanced diet?

Everyone must eat a balanced diet. No exceptions.

How do you find the ideal weight for yourself?

Health should be your goal, not wieght. When you are eating a well balanced diet and excersizing regularly you will be at your ideal weight. A well balanced diet does not include diet foods, diet foods are not well balanced as far as nutrition goes.

Why do you need a balanced diet?

we need balanced diet because to keep the energy in right amount so that our body can perform vital functions.

How does a balanced diet affect you emotional health?

Balanced diet is the diet which considers all the important aspects in a diet. Balanced diet affects the emotional health in a positive manner. It changes one's behavior and changes it all over.

Are noodles a balanced diet?

No, noodles are not a balanced diet. For information about the importance of a balanced diet, and what it consists of, see the page link, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.