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100-400 USD depending on condition.

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Q: What is a Winchester model 94 ranger worth?
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When was the last winchester 94 ranger made?

The Winchester model 94 ranger was made from 1985-2006.

When was Winchester model 94 ranger serial number 5446350 made?

Your winchester model 1894 ranger was produced by winchester in 1987.

What is age and value of Winchester model no 94 ranger that is still in box and never been used with serial no 534009114?

A Winchester model 1894 ranger in that condition is worth 395 dollars.The serial number indicates that your Winchester model 1894 ranger was a first year made rifle.It was produced in 1985.Winchester made the ranger model from 1985-2006.

When was Winchester model 94 ranger serial number 5377613 made?

With the serial number that you provided,your Winchester model 94 ranger rifle was made in the year 1985.

When was winchester model 94 ranger serial number 3843651 made?

The winchester model 1894 ranger was made by winchester from 1985-2006.If you have a winchester model 1894 ranger compact(with 16in.barrel) these were made from 1998-2004.

How old is your win 94 ranger ser num 5366910?

Your Winchester model 94 ranger was made in 1986.

How much is Winchester model 94-44 mag worth?

Winchester Model 94-44 Magnum 3199687M

How much is a Winchester model 94 30 30 made in 1974 worth?

how much is a Winchester model 94 30 30 made in 1974 worth

What model is a Winchester ranger 3030 rifle serial number 5552144?

Generally it is a model 94 although Winchester used the Ranger name for other firearms as well.

What is value Winchester Model 94 serial 235404?

If it is a standard model 94 it is worth about $350.00.

How much is a 1974 Winchester model 94 worth?

youre 1974 Winchester model 94 is worth any were from 200 hundred to 500 dollars depending on condition.

What is age of a Winchester ranger serial number 55589004?

Your serial number indicates that your Winchester ranger model 94 rifle was made in the year 1990.