youre 1974 Winchester model 94 is worth any were from 200 hundred to 500 dollars depending on condition.
how much is a Winchester model 94 30 30 made in 1974 worth
No such model made by Winchester
Your Winchester model 1894 rifle which was made in 1974 will bring between 200-350 dollars,depending on the overall condition of your rifle and a good bore.
w much is a Winchester 72-22 long or short rifle worth?
Winchester Model 94-44 Magnum 3199687M
A Winchester Model 140 12 gauge, semi automatic can be worth up to $150. The exact amount that the Winchester is worth depends on the condition of the gun.
It depends on the model. $995-$1695 assuming it has not been refinished or damaged. It is worth more if it's original. 23rd edition of the Gun Traders Guide
it is worth around 750 dallars
if in good condition its worth $200.00 to $ 275.00
ho much is a model 55 nickel steel barrel Winchester 32 special worth today?