The Winchester model 72 in .22LR,or .22 short(Gallery Model) will bring between 85-250 dollars if it has between 60%-90% of its original finish remaining and a good bore.You may add 30% to the above listed value if your rifle is a target model,add 100% if it is a Gallery Model(made from 1939-1942).
50-230 uSD
How do you remove the forend from a Winchester model 190 22 cal. rifle for refinishing?
these are running from 200-275 dollars depending on condition.
It is worth anywhere from 80-250 dollars depending on condition.
Your Winchester model 1890 .22 cal rifle was made by Winchester in 1912.
its worth about $70 depending on how beat up it is.
100-250 dollars,depending on overall condition and a good bore.
Your winchester model 52,.22 cal rifle was made by winchester in 1935.
What do you want to know?
this particular item is a .22 cal. pellet gun
I don't even think there is a model 15 is their?
your Winchester model 290 was made between 1965-1973.