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Q: What is a Remington 870 wing master?
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Related questions

What Value of Remington wing master 870?

$225-$275, depending on which version and condition.

How much is a used Remington 870 wing-master worth?

if its a 12 gauge about 475-550$

What is the value of a Remington Wing Master 870 12 gauge 3 inch?

100-345 USD

What is a Remington wing-master 870 16 gauge worth?

100-350 USD depending on condition

What is the value of a Remington wing master 870 16 gauge serial number 69426W?

10-350 USD or so

How much is a Remington 878 auto master that has been turned into a 870 pump with 870 parts?

That would not generally be considered a valuable modification. It is worth what you can get for it.

What year is your 870 wingmaster 12 gauge?

Im not sure the year of the model 870. It is a Wing Master 12 ga. Ser# s189445v.

What model of Remington 870 Wing master magnum has engraved patterns on both sides of receiver and has a gold trigger?

It is the 100th Anniversary Edition for Remington's making of the 870 pump shotgun. It runs for around $1200 and is a limited edition item. The Premier Dealer Wingmaster also has engravings on each side and a gold trigger. It has semi-fancy claro walnut stock and forearm.

What is value of Remington 870 wing master NWTF shotgun high Gloss 25th anniversary edition?

New in the box, $500-600 (on a good day) Doesn't really demand much of a premium and if not new IN BOX, not any.

Will a Remington 870 stock fit a Remington 1100?


What is the value of a Remington 870 rifle?

Remington does not show a 870 rifle on their web site. Do you mean the 870 Shotgun? the Remington 870 is one of the most popular shotguns in the us. this shotgun ranges from $300 for the basic model to $1000 for the fancy Wingmaster edition

Will a Remington 11-87 and Remington 870 barrel interchange?
