hyper is more and de- is less. in relation to action potentials, the resistance increases and decreases.
A hyperpolarizing graded potential makes the cell more negative, typically caused by an influx of chloride ions or efflux of potassium ions. In contrast, a depolarizing graded potential makes the cell less negative, often due to an influx of sodium ions or calcium ions. Both types of potentials play a role in generating action potentials in neurons.
Potential conflict refers to a situation where there is a possibility of conflict arising but it has not yet escalated. Actual conflict, on the other hand, is a situation where there is clear evidence of disagreement or tension between parties.
There is no inherent difference in memory capacity or function between girls and boys. Differences in memory may be influenced by environmental factors, educational experiences, and individual variability. Both girls and boys have the potential for strong memory skills.
Intrapsychic refers to processes within an individual's mind, such as thoughts, emotions, and conflicts. Interpsychic refers to interactions and relationships between individuals, involving communication, understanding, and dynamics between people.
"Difference" refers to the distinction or variation between two or more things, while "indifference" is a lack of interest, concern, or feeling. In essence, difference highlights the contrast, while indifference signifies apathy or disregard.
Risk behavior refers to actions or activities that increase the likelihood of potential harm or negative consequences. On the other hand, risk situation refers to circumstances or environments that expose individuals to potential danger or harm. Risk behavior involves individual choices and actions, while risk situation relates to external factors that may increase the likelihood of harm.
Local potentials are graded potentials that can be depolarizing (excitatory) or hyperpolarizing (inhibitory), whereas action potentials are all-or-nothing electrical impulses that propagate along the axon of a neuron. Local potentials can summate and vary in amplitude, while action potentials have a fixed amplitude and duration. Additionally, local potentials can occur in dendrites and cell bodies, whereas action potentials typically occur in the axon.
Graded potentials are small changes in membrane potential that can be either depolarizing or hyperpolarizing, and they occur in response to stimuli. They are localized and can vary in strength. Action potentials, on the other hand, are large, all-or-nothing changes in membrane potential that are triggered when a threshold is reached. They are propagated along the axon and are essential for long-distance communication in neurons.
Graded potentials are small changes in membrane potential that can vary in size and can be either depolarizing or hyperpolarizing. They are localized and decay over distance. Graded potentials are important for short-distance communication within a neuron. Action potentials, on the other hand, are large, all-or-nothing electrical impulses that travel along the axon of a neuron. They are always depolarizing and do not decay over distance. Action potentials are crucial for long-distance communication between neurons.
Depolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs, like succinylcholine, cause initial depolarization of the muscle cell membrane followed by prolonged depolarization. Non-depolarizing drugs, like rocuronium, block the action of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction without causing depolarization.
Potential difference
There is no potential difference between identical charges
it is
Anything with potential difference could create the flow of energy. A potential difference could be electropotential, chemical potential or potential difference between high and low ground like energy from water fall. A potential difference can exist in the form of motion difference between a stationary and a moving objects.
Potential difference between the ends of a conductor refers to the electrical energy difference per unit charge between two points in the conductor. It is commonly known as voltage and is measured in volts. A potential difference is necessary for the flow of electric current in a conductor.
'Force' isn't measured in volts. Potential and potential difference are measured in volts.
The potential difference between the terminals of a connection wire is determined by the voltage difference applied across the wire. This voltage difference creates an electric field within the wire that causes charge carriers to move and establish a potential difference between the terminals.
difference is logical and potential