The Remington 241 (after the model 24) is browning design and look the same, the 241 was last made in 1949.
50-400 usd
Remington did manufacture a John Browning designed rifle. The Remington Model 8, semi-auto rifle was made from 1906 until 1936. The improved version, the Model 81, was made from 1936 until 1950. Remington also manufactured the Browning designed Auto-5 shotgun under their name as the Model 11 in various grades and gauges.
This would be a Remington model 11. Not sure of your question. Please re-phrase.
no serial number = no way to answer.
This is an American Browning made by Remington for Browning. It was made in 1941. auto5man
NO! The 1187 barrel was for remington shotguns,the auto-5 shotgun is a browning shotgun.
Is this a model 11 Remington? Please re-ask under the Remington classification
Impossible to answer without any more information.
You need to see a gunsmith.
Your Browning shotgun which was made by Remington was made during the World war II years(1940-1945).During this time the manufacturer of Browning Auto-5 shotguns which was in Belguim was under Nazi German control and were making firearms for the German Army.No exportation was possible.
It was made in 1950