It clogs the arteries which allows less blood to flow through that narrow space. This eventually causes a blood clot which may be fatal.
smoking can cause fat to build up in arteries and block them.nicotine makes arteries narrower.
It can cause atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries due to plaque build-up), and increase your risk of coronary heart disease. The nicotine in cigarettes causes decreased oxygen to the heart muscle, increases blood pressure (hypertension) and it damages the heart wall tissue.
if you smoke your kids will think it is ok to smoke too. smoking is bad it causes arteries to your heart and cancer comes later. Cigarettes attack your heart. STOP SMOKING NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A heart attack is when the arteries become narrow and blood cannot flow as well as it should throughout the body and back to the heart. This causes a person to feel pain and could potentially cause death.
Arteries - > Arterioles -> Capillaries
cigarettes is a stick full of chemicals and causes cancer of lungs and other cancers
This is the guided set of wire and tube that you pass through your radial artery or the femoral artery to the opening of the coronary arteries to inject the dye to see the coronary arteries. You can dilate the narrow coronary arteries as well as put the stent there.