Depends on the gun, your age, and the laws where you are. And there are limits on anything. My grandson is 15, has a .22 rifle- which he can carry hunting. (He has a license, and the permission of his parents- and he lives in the country) He cannot take it to school, etc.
No its not illegal you just cant carry your airsoft gun around
Noway. You can't carry a gun without a Lisecse. but to buy one yo have to be 21 or older.
Depends on the parents and local laws (if any).
No, If a parent was to buy their child a gun then someone would end up getting hurt and the parents are not very good parents if they let them own a gun.... just saying:) -Marly-k
18 to purchase
If you are 21 and have no criminal record there is no requirement to have a carry license however you do need one is you wish to carry concealed.
Yes, if you follow the laws
I don't know ask your parents get off the internet
In the U.S. basically, no. A few states allow someone 18 or older to carry a handgun, but in most, you must be 21 or older.
it means to carry a pistol or sometype of gun around
it means to carry a pistol or sometype of gun around