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Do not take it if it gets hit with water it will react and explode. === ===

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Q: What if your classmate offers to give you a piece of sodium that he found on a hiking trip What is your response?
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What would be a response if a classmate gives you sodium that he found on a hiking trip?

It is difficult to know what you mean by this. Sodium is a highly reactive metal that could not possibly be found on a camping trip. Possibly you mean a sodium compound, such as sodium chloride, also known as table salt. Even that is not likely to be found on a camping trip, except if a camper has taken salt with him or her to use as a condiment. Salt is also quite cheap, and it would be very unusual to offer it to someone; everybody has it already. So, hard to say what is going on here. If someone has offered you pills which he claims to consist of sodium, you might decline to accept them. You have no idea what they really are, and certainly have no reason to use them.

What is the presynaptic neuron release neurotransmitters in response to an influx of?

Sodium ions

What is the first response a neuron makes to a stimulus?

Sodium ions enter the cell

When sodium ions are reabsorbed in response to the action of aldosterone what do potassium ions do?


How can I eat a healthy low-salt diet?

There are many websites online that provide healthy low-sodium diet recipes and also have access to sodium trackers. The Mayo Clinic website offers many low-sodium recipes.

Active transport mechanism which maintains the potential difference of the membrane?

^ this person is definitely in Mr. K's class. Lmfao. Good luck finding the answer classmate to whom I'm not sure of, but I will find out who you are tomorrow! hahahahaha

What kind of services does Amtrack offer?

Amtrack offers various different services, that can meet various dietary needs. They offer services for vegans, vegetarians, kosher meals. It offers for low sodium, or cholesterol needs.

A virus causes damage to the sodium channels of the postsynaptic neuron such that they open very slowly in response to a neurotransmitter How does this modify the generation of an action potential?

The sodium influx necessary for depolarization will occur more slowly making the action potential difficult to generate.

What are ligand gated ion channels?

they are important in the nervous system they lead to chnages in sodium and calcium concentrations in cells they open or close in response to a chemical signal

Which hormone limits sodium excretion in the urine to help maintain your electrolyte balances during excessive sweating?

Aldosterone is the hormone that limits sodium excretion in the urine. It is released by the adrenal glands in response to low blood pressure or low blood sodium levels. Aldosterone acts on the kidneys to increase the reabsorption of sodium and water, helping to maintain electrolyte balance during excessive sweating.

What is the role of the skin in excretion?

· Skin o Expels water, sodium chloride and urea during sweating. (Incidental loss: because sweating is a response to a rise in temperature and not to a change in blood compostion.)

What is the name for NaClO4?

sodium chlorateNaClO3 = Sodium Chlorate