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There is no harm in taking three Birth Control pills in one day, other than possible side effects like nausea or breast tenderness. This is the older approach to emergency contraception. But, unless you needed the morning after pill or were advised by your health care provider to take pills this way for bleeding, there is no benefit in taking three birth control pills in one day.

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Q: What if you took 3 birth control pills in one day?
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You missed one day of birth control and the next day you started bleeding but you took 2 pills?

yupp ure prego

What if I took all my birth control pills at once?

Do not do that, your birth control pills contain hormones that affect they way your body works. As with all medicines it is dangerous to take more pills than the doctor tells you to take. Taking all the birth control pills at once will likely make you ill and may even require you to go to hospital. Finally if you take them all at once you will not be protected from pregnancy for the rest of the month (they work on a day by day basis).

I been on BC for two months on my second month i took all pills until i got to the sugar pills i took two of them sugar pills and didn't finish the last 3 pills sugar pills on the second suga?

You do not have to take the sugar/placebo pills if you feel comfortable doing so, and if you will not forget to start your birth control on the correct day, and if you will not forget what time you are supposed to take your birth control. It doesn't make a difference on how many sugar/placebo pills you take because they do not contain any active hormone ingredients. You are still protected from pregnancy during your placebo week if you take your birth control every day at the same time, and if you have been on birth control for at least 2 months. To be on the safe side wait 3 months, that is personally how long I waited.

Can you take two birth control pills a day to speed up your cycle?


Can you start a new pack of birth control pills a day early?

Starting a pack of birth control pills a day early does not increase the risk of pregnancy; in fact, it may decrease the risk. Continue taking your pills as normal. Your period will just arrive a day early that's all.

If you use birth control pills the day after preejaculation can you get pregnant?

Yes, you need to get the 'morning after pill'. Your normal birth control pill does not substitute for this.

If you took 4 pills at the same time should you continue with your pack?

Yes, if you took four pills at once for emergency contraception, you should continue taking one pill per day until the pack is done. Then start the new cycle of birth control.

If you took three birth control pills on the last day of taking the active pills could it cause you to be late?

It could. There should be no reason to take 3 bcp in one day. If you previously missed them, you could be pregnant and should take a pregnancy test.

Could I be pregnant if I missed a birth control pill the day before intercourse the condom broke during intercourse but I took 4 birth control pills right after intercourse?

yes..theres a strong possibility u have to take it before intercourse

Took 5 birth control pills then 3 day later took 6 still bleeding?

You are taking way too much birth control pills at once, which is not good for your body at all. By taking that many pills at once, it is considered overdosing. By doing so, it will not stop any of our bleeding, however, it will make it worse because you are putting too much hormones in your body at once. The breakthrough bleeding will continue. If you miss more than 3 birth control pills, you must throw that pack of pills away and use a back up method such as condoms, until you start a new pack of pills. You are only suppose to take 1 birth control pill everyday at the same time, this is the only way for birth control to be 99.9% effective. Each pill that you miss you substantially reduce the effectiveness of the pill.

If you missed one brand of birth control and took one of another brand then switched back to your own the next day can you get pregnant?

Yes. All pills do not work alike.

I tnk i might be pregnant. I had intercourse on Dec 4th which was the last day of my period. Im on birth control but around Thanksgiving i missed a day and took it the next morning. I?

If I read this right you aren't pregnant. Missing one day birth control won't do it. You would have to miss more than one. If you want to figure out when you ovulate keep a calendar. With a 28 day cycle you will ovulate right around day 14 and will be able to get pregnant to about day 20. Since you are on birth control you don't have to worry. For years I took birth control pills and then hormones for both I got up every morning and the first thing I did was take my pills. If you set a routine for your self you will be less likely to forget.