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Kids get Back pain usually from poor posture. Sitting at a desk all day at school, along with carrying heavy backpacks, and slouching while playing Video Games all contribute chronic slouching which places additional stress on the low back because low back muscles have to work overtime just to keep you upright and functioning. The key is to correct your posture and the back pain will usually go away. This machine http:


will strengthen your back and correct poor posture in one easy motion.

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Q: What if you have backaches and your a kid?
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The majority of backaches are due to?

The majority of backaches are due to poor posture and weak supporting muscles.

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Do doctors recommend use of massage recliners for patients with backaches?

Massage recliners are great for patients with backaches. Doctors recommend it in addition to using heat as well. If the pain is severe, see your doctor.

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It is nausea , craving for food, cramps and backaches.

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Do you get back pain in pregnancy?

The added weight of the baby, uterine growth and hormones that cause ligaments to relax all cause backaches.

Is backaches cause for concern during pregnancy?

Backaches in pregnancy are normal, and result from increased weight and changes in the body's posture to cope with a changed centre-of-gravity, as well as a softening of the ligaments due to an increased level of progesterone. The only treatment is rest, heat packs and paracetamol (acetaminophen for our U.S. friends). Hope that helps! Aj :)

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