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This can be delayed by stress or if you gave recent got on or off Birth Control. Also if you've been exercising more than usual

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Q: What if a woman not ovulating?
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Does every woman get discharge when ovulating?

I get clear strechy discharge and quite alot of it and pressure pain when ovulating

How can a womans body tell her that she is ovulating?

A woman's body can tell her that she is ovulating by releasing a clear or white fluid.

Can a woman get pregnant after 3 months of pregnancy already?

If a woman is 3 mos pregnant no she will not be ovulating, if the pregnancy was terminated or miscarried yes she would be ovulating again.

I have the clear egg white discharge with a very thin amount of blood streak am i ovulating?

Yes. You are ovulating, my dear. Enjoy the life as a woman. (:

Can a woman become mother after 45 years of age?

When you stop ovulating.

Will you ovulate after pregnancy?

Yes, you will begin ovulating again after you give birth, but the time that it takes varies from woman to woman. Some women begin ovulating a month after pregnancy, others don't for 6 months.

When you get pregnency?

When you have sexual intercourse or insert semen by other means, when the woman is ovulating.

What does non ovulating mean?

Ovulation is the period of time a woman is fertile. This is nomally in the middle of a womans cycle lasting 3-7 days. Ive never heard of the term "non-ovulating", but i would have to say it is the days that she isn't ovulating/fertile. Or maybe it refferrs to after menopause, when a woman no longer ovulates, making her infertile.

When during a woman's cycle is she most likely to get pregnant?

The most likely time to get pregnant is while you are ovulating. To calculate when you are ovulating, look up an ovulation calendar to see when you are.