Ovulation is the period of time a woman is fertile. This is nomally in the middle of a womans cycle lasting 3-7 days. Ive never heard of the term "non-ovulating", but i would have to say it is the days that she isn't ovulating/fertile. Or maybe it refferrs to after menopause, when a woman no longer ovulates, making her infertile.
That you are ovulating
That means you could be ovulating or could be ovulating soon.
no your just ovulating
I'm going to go WAY out on a limb here and guess it probably means that you're not ovulating.
It means your periods , were really not over.
That means you are ovulating.
If you are having them between periods, you could be ovulating. Some women can feel when they are ovulating so you might be one of them.
when you are ovulating is there an odor?
While ovulating is precisely the time you can get pregnant.
I had a white discharge and I have not since tieing my tubes what does that mean.. And I know I am ovulating.
If your cervix is closed in the front but open in the back, this might mean you are about to start your period. It could also mean that you are ovulating.