If a guy wants to be F.W.B. [Friends With Benefits] it means he wants to do what boyfriends-girlfriends do when they are dating.
The guy wants to be friends but doesn't want to have a relationship. This is mostly referred to as possible FWB (friends with benefits).
Ask him if he wants to meet your Mother.
No. He just want's sex and that's it Friends with Benefits just mean's he's looking for a good time
Ok first of all... letting a guy be your friends with "Benefits" is so dumb. Why do you let yourself be used like that? If he wants the special benefits then he should be your boyfriend. Don't let yourself be so easy
Ditch him and find someone else.
It's possible, but it's far more likely that he loves the benefits.
coming from a guy, if you really think that he wants to be with you, you should draw that line between you to and tell him that you want more and if he says that he doesnt want more then just friends with benefits, end the benefits.
If its him who just wants to be close friends, he obviously likes you a bit but doesn't want anything too serious he just wants something like friends with benefits. If its you who just wants to be close friends, let him know how you feel before its too late. You don't want to lead him on.
Ask him if he likes you, and see what he says.
Yeah sure its fine as long as the boy is cool with it you know? if the girl wants to be more than friends than you could talk seriously with the guy and see whats goin on. but yeah its normal and appropriate.
it means he wants to be friends.
He wants to be your friend:)