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You could always take her at her word. However, that may not be a good idea.

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Q: What if a girl says she doesnt want a gift?
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it means he doesnt want YOU.

What if you like a girl but she doesnt want a gift?

give her a kiss on the cheek and say you rock.... she will like u more if u dont get her a gift but a kiss instead RAWR

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A. He knows the girl will beat him up so says no B. He really is tuff and doesn't want to hurt her. C. He likes her and doesnt want the girl to hate him.

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Shes mad, she just doesnt want you to know it

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One of two things: 1. Exactly what it says she doesnt want a bf. or 2. She doesnt like you and is interested in someone else.

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she doesnt want to do it or doesnt like what you are telling her...and doesnt want to tell you or you to know

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you should tell her if she doesnt care whats the pont trust me I'm a girl

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She's just looking for some action,Nothing serious!

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he doesnt want u to feel weid about telling him but he enjoys knowing your interested in him:)

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That means that she wants you back of course. Also that she still has feelings for you.

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dump him he doesnt appreciate you