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Popular Sovereignty

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Q: What idea was that Citizens of each new territory should be allowed to decide if they wanted to permit slavery?
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The concept that a territory should be allowed to decide wheather to have slavery was known as?

popular sovereignty

The concept that a territory should be allowed to decide whether to have slavery known as?

Popular sovereignty

People living in a territory had the right to decide by voting if slavery be allowed?

Popular Sovereignty

Who will decide whether slavery would be allowed in a territory under popular sovereignty?

The senete

Why was popular sovereignty so well-supported as a just and fair way to settle the slavery question?

Popular sovereignty was well supported because it allowed the local citizens of a territory to decide if slavery was to be allowed or illegal. Stephen A. Douglas pushed for popular sovereignty during the 1840's.

What did the Nebraska act do?

it divided the remainder of the Louisiana purchase into two territories and allowed people in each territory to decide on the question of slavery

According to the idea of popular sovereignty which of the following would decide whether slavery would be allowed in a territory?

1.the senate 2.the president 3.the resident of the territory 4.the house of representatives

How the kansas nebraska act led to violence?

Because it repealed the Missouri Compromise

Which was an example of popular sovereignty the principle in the mid 1800s that allowed residents of each territory to decide whether they wanted to legalize slavery in their area?

Kansas - Nebraska act

The Revolutions of 1848 were motivated by what ideas?

Answer this question… The citizens of a country should be allowed to decide how that country is governed.

Who was the senator that proposed popular sovereignty as the solution to slaverys expansion?

Senator Lewis Cass of Michigan proposed one solution. Cass suggested that the citizens of each new territory should be allowed to decide for themselves if they wanted to permit slavery or not. This idea came to be called popular sovereignty.

What was an example of popular sovereignty principle in the mid-1800s that allowed residents of each territory to decide whether they wanted to legalize slavery in their area?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854