i have never had my lip pierced, but my friend did and it swelled up, so she put ice on it and the swelling went down. try it. i hope it works for you.
ice it
Drink plenty of cold fluids.Eat a lot of ice so the swelling can go down.
It can get pretty swelled up but it depends on the person. It usually is only for the first week or two. Eat ice and ibuprofen also helps the swelling go down. You piercer should've put a longer bar in so you don't have to worry about it embedding into you're lip. Hope I helped! (:
sudocreme helps ANYTHING
Ice packs and heat for 48 to 72 hours.
You can't really "heal" it your self. It takes time for the swelling to go down. Mine took about 1-2 weeks.
No. The swelling should go away in a few hours depending on how bad it is.
For the basic oral piercings, ie. lip piercing, monroe, labret etc etc; the swelling begins to go down after a few days. Since the cartilage for a dimple piercing is much thicker than that of a lip piercing, the swelling will take a little bit longer to go down. Usually 3-10 days before the swelling begins to go down, depending on how much you play with the jewelery, irritate the piercing, and even how you clean it can all alter the amount of time your piercing is swollen for!
Ice packs for the first 48 hours, or hot packs for the next 72 hours.
It wont go down like magic but there a few things that can speed up the decrease of the swelling. Don't play with the jewelry, let ice melt in your mouth, sleep with your head elevated higher than your body, and use ibuprofen. These are straight off of the APP website.
That's due to the swelling, if you follow your written aftercare instructions then the swelling should be under control. If the jewellery gets too tight go back and see your piercer for assistance.