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The fetus will be harmed and certainly will be born with health problems.

Quit smoking and give the most valuable gift to your future baby: THE HEALTH.

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13y ago

Abortionay, and u give u cancer

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Q: What happens while pregnant and smoking cigarettes?
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Are electric cigarettes worse than real cigarettes?

I can breath better while smoking the E-Cigs

Are electronic cigarettes better when you are pregnant?

The little we know about e-cigarettes suggests that it's safest not to use one while you're pregnant.

What happens when you smoke while smoking?

its a bit hard not to smoke while smoking

Can smoking a black and mild while pregnant cause dizziness?

Yes and stop smoking ur pregnant sheesh

What Marlboro cigarettes does Demi Lovato smoke?

Demi Lovato has been photographed before while smoking menthol Marlboro cigarettes.

Can you still get pregnant while smoking weeds?

Yes. But smoking while pregnant will cause harm to the baby. Twice as much harm than smoking tobacco. See the related question below.

Can you get pregnant while smoking?

You can get pregnant at any time in your life that your ovaries are working.

How is smoking cigarettes related to psychology?

Smoking cigarettes relates to phychology because when people smoke, it relaxes their minds, and it takes stress away form their minds. Also, after a while it becomes a habit for smokers. Their minds get used to the daily routine of smoking.

How much tar would an adult consume if they smoke 10 cigarettes a day?

Tar in cigarettes vary from 6.8 to 21.6 mg tar each. Therefore, 68.0 to 216.0 mg of tar will be ingested per day by smoking 10 cigarettes. This is a careless and irresponsible thing to do for a child while they are developing, to say the least.

Does smoking cigarettes cause diarrhea?

Cigarettes can affect the digestive system in several ways. While each individual reacts differently, it is not out of the question that cigarettes may be a cause of diarrhea. Smoking is associated with increased risk of Chrohn's disease, an intestinal disorder which will cause diarrhea.

How bad is it to smoke weed while pregnant or is it okay?

any smoking while pregnant is terrible. im all for weed but if your pregnant its a bad idea