Of course. Weed is not a contraceptive.
any smoking while pregnant is terrible. im all for weed but if your pregnant its a bad idea
i would advise against it..
They are both harmful. If you are pregnant, quit both of those substances along with alcohol, caffeine and other drugs not recommended by a doctor.
A person can find information on how to quit smoking weed from several different places. Some of these places include Stop Smoking Weed Today and Love To Know Recovery.
weed doesn't prevent pregnancy. condoms and birth control do.
People need to quit asking questions about weed while obviously high. Unless highly skilled, Like I.
The only comprehensive study done while smoking weed during pregnancy showed the baby to be normal. So no, weed is not bad.
No. However, if you quit smoking weed, you won't have to be concerned.
It is not OK to be smoking weed and the result of it is your paranoid thoughts that "everything is fake". The weed affects the brain and it is clearly affecting yours. I suggest you quit while you are still ahead of the game. The fact your thinking was affected is a warning sign for you. STOP while you can.