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Usually if you have too much salt in your diet it can lead to you feeling sluggish, bloated, and can cause high blood pressure.

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Q: What happens when you have to much salt in your diet?
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Related questions

What happens if there is to much salt in your diet?

It will reduce the content of blood in your body

Why happens if a person has too much intake of salt in their diet?

Mainly it'll raise their blood pressure.

What happens if there is salt in diet coke?

ur stomach gets fizzy

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What happens if you have too much in your diet?

you get FAT

Do dogs like salt in their food?

Dogs do not require salt in their diet, and too much salt can be harmful to their health. It is best to feed dogs a balanced diet that meets their nutritional needs without added salt.

Should you drink beer on a salt free diet?

My guess would be no. If you are trying to be on a totally salt free diet, then no because most beers have some salt in it. It may not be much salt but beer does have salt in it. However, if you are on a low salt diet, then yes, since most beers only have a small amount of per in it per serving.

How do people get high blood?

too much sodium aka salt in their diet or to much sugar !!

What happens when someone has a diet full of fat and salt and sugars?

You turn out like the average American today. Obese

Can salt improve health?

You can keep balanced diet with it but too much is NOT healthy for you.

What exactly is a no salt diet?

A no salt diet is a diet that is low in sodium. By taking most of the salt out of your diet it decreases bloating and helps one lose water weight. It is a hard diet to maintain.

What happens when you mix baking soda water and salt?

not much.