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Nothing, but if anyone finds out the child will be taken away and the parents will face criminal charges.

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Q: What happens when a infant is exposed to marijuana daily?
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What are the release dates for The Daily Orbit - 2012 A Relic of Our Infant Universe 2-25?

The Daily Orbit - 2012 A Relic of Our Infant Universe 2-25 was released on: USA: 2 October 2013

How many teens use marijuana daily?

Almost three and half

How do you pass a oral drug screen if you smoke marijuana daily?

You cant.

Are we exposed to radiation from radiosiotopes on a daily bases?

It depends where you go

What percent of students who have tried marijuana become daily users?

a good 95%.

What are the chances of surviving 2.5 years of daily Chinese marijuana use?

Pretty good, I'd say. I'm going on 3.5 years of daily high grade marijuana use, not sure how good the Chinese party though.

I have smoked bit of marijuana and i did find out that im pregnant 6 weeks what can happend?

A "bit" of marijuana will do no harm to the fetus, however habitual/daily smoking of marijuana (Or tobacco) will have adverse effects on the unborn baby.

What is the effect of giving chocolates daily to an one year old infant?

nothing you dumb nyukkah.

What are the benefits of incorporating infant sensory videos into a baby's daily routine?

Incorporating infant sensory videos into a baby's daily routine can help stimulate their senses, promote brain development, improve cognitive skills, and enhance bonding between the baby and caregiver.

How long will marijuana stay in the system of a 94lb 5'2 person who has not smoked in two weeks but was a daily user?

If you were a daily smoker, up to 6 months.

Where are daily changes greatest?

daily changes is something that happens regurlay