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Q: If a male smokes marijuana daily can it cause a miscarriage?
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Related questions

What can a man do to raise his sperm count if he smokes marijuana on a daily basis?

Smoking weed has no bearing on how "strong" a mans sperm is.

Will you pass a drug test if you are a daily user of marijuana?

Of course not, especially if one smokes pot within 30-90 days before a test (depending on how much/often they smoke).

How old is the youngest child that smokes weed?

I knew of a 13 year old who sells and smokes weed on a daily basis

Does pot smoking cause loss of vocal range?

the intake of marijuana, as long as it is not daily, has no risks(if you dont have a condition that says otherwise)

How many CHRONIC users have died as a result from directly consuming marijuana on a daily basis?

There are no documented cases of an individual dying via marijuana overdose, therefore no amount of people "die a day" directly from cannabis consumption.

Long term effects of marijuana use?

Answer People who have been using pot for a long time get brown circles under their eyes for one. Secondly they get grumpy when they don't have their daily joints and don't let anyone ever tell you it's not addictive, as it is very addictive. They soon develope a harsh cough which is dry and while it's not a proven fact depending on how the person smokes it, but it can be a cause for Cancer as pot smokes hot, and people who smoke it long term could get Cancer of the mouth or lips.

Health marijuana risk?

Irritates your lungs, that's it. Much like a daily cigarette smoker, you'll be coughing up black goop. My friend has this problem, but that's because he smokes all day everyday. You're fine if you smoke every few days.

Can smoking marijuana daily lead to ADD when it comes to studying?

im doubt it would cause an official diagnoses of ADD, however marijuana activly effects the memory and concentration skills amongst other key skills used when studying.

What is THC and how long does it stay in the body?

THC is the chemical in marijuana that gets you "High" and it really depends on how much you smoke, like some one who smokes daily it would prob take about a month if you just smoke one time it will prob take 2 or 3 weeks

How bad is it when someone is an alcoholic and smokes marijuana and cigarettes daily?

Smoking cigarettes everyday is the worst of the three. Drinking is fine in moderation, but excess can kill your liver and/or kidneys. The illegal substance is probably the healthiest (or less harmful) of the group. In any case, anything is good in moderation; its excess that will kill you.

How many teens use marijuana daily?

Almost three and half

How do you pass a oral drug screen if you smoke marijuana daily?

You cant.