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You have over-dosed your system & this can result in vomiting, dizziness, abdominal cramping and vaginal bleeding.

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Q: What happens to your body when you take several birth control at once?
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What happens to your body after you stop birth control?

You start to ovulate and get your period back and you can get pregnant again.

Can taking birth control cause lactation?

yes it can. the birth control tricks your body into thinking you are pregnant. that's why you don't get your period for a while. the lactation part happens due to the hormones that the birth control have. so some lactation can occur.

What happens when you go on birth control?

It will tweak you body's hormone balance into a state where you can't get pregnant - if you take them right.

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If you are on one type of birth control for two years does your body become immune?

No. I was on the same birth control for years.

If you are pregnant and take birth control will your body reject it?

You should not take birth control while pregnant. Not at all.

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Does getting birth control at a early age interrupt your body growth?

No, birth control pills will not interrupt your physical growth.

What happens if you overdose on birth control?

I have only known one person who overdosed on birth control pills. When my friend OD on BCP she kept throwing up and had severe abdominal pains and was bleeding heavily for several days. She was bleeding heavily and experiencing pains and sickness because she took way too many BCP and due to all the hormones her body brought on a "forced" period which was very painful for her.

How long does it take for your body to adjust when you switch to a different birth control pill?

Although you will have immediate protection if you start the new birth control pill on time, it may take a month or two for your body to fully be adjusted to the new birth control.

How long does it take for your body to be used to birth control pill?

It takes one month for birth control to work effectively in your body & one month before you can have unprotected intercourse.

How can you get your period without taking birth control?

Your period will come naturally. Birth control does not help you get your period. Your body decides when you will get your period.