Although regularity is recommended and worth aiming for there's no need to go overboard. 20 minutes won't have any effect at all. It'll add about 2% of time between doses, and that's way too little to affect the hormone levels in your body.
I forgot for 5 hours one time and freaked out...the pharmacist laughed at me.
Taking the next birth control pill early does not impact effectiveness. Taking it late may.
I am on the desogen birth control pill, and the instructions say to take it "around the same time" every day. That means you can be 10-15 minutes late taking the pill with no side effects. After taking it more than 45 minutes late though, you start to run into dangerous territory. I don't reccomend ever being more than 15 to 20 minutes late taking it, EVER. I have been on the pill for one year now.
You will not be protected against pregnancy and your period may arrive late. You need to use a condom for 2 weeks.
Even if you take it an hour late, you should be fine. It will work the same way, just don't make it a habit to be taken late :) hope this helped!
Yes, it is possible for your period to be late or stop completely from any hormonal birth control.
Your period may be late if you started the birth control patch a week late. If you had sex during that time, you may be at risk for pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test to be sure.
yes of course it is it is only an issue when it is taken days late, you are fine just google it to be reassured. you can also ask your local farmasist.
If you want to get pregnant, it makes more sense to stop birth control.
Hello there. Yes a period can be delayed if you have missed some of your birth control pills.
yes, you are manipulating hormones to not get pregnant so it happens. don't worry Joymaker rn
No, a birth control method that is implanted will not cause any harm even if it is a late removal.