There is nothing the blastocyst can get attached to and grow and where the placenta will be so this would be impossible.
Because they dont have a uterus to hold a baby.
i dont know if i am pregnant but i think i am .. when someone pushes on my tummy it hurts whats going on ?
i dont know , in a year
no cause you dont get a period while pregnant
No. The baby will form in your uterus. If you are overweight, your fat deposits will be on the outer layer of your stomach and uterus and in between your skin. So it will be in layers of baby, uterus, fat deposits, then skin.
yes she can but if you dont have sex the girl will not be pregnant.
you dont become hungry i dont know what info you want
yes dont do it you'll get a mouth sore too
Because women have eggs and a womb and men don't.
it happens in a couple months you dont have to do a thing You get pregnant 2 seasons after you get married. Your husband will insist that you go to the clinic and when you get there Irene will tell you that you are pregnant.
Typically as long as you stop taking it when you find out you are pregnant, it should not cause any harm to the baby. Good luck.
you become to skinny but DONT die and but get sick