That usually means that the battery is dead, or if not, that the screen is overheated.
You hold the on button and see if it needs to charge
The iPod Touch sleep/wake button is the button, when pressed once, puts your iPod to sleep. It also awakens your iPod Touch from that sleep and turns on and off your iPod Touch.
If a game happens to freeze on the ipod touch you can press the top power button and the button that would usually bring you back to the home page of the ipod touch. Hold them both until the ipod goes black, which means that you reset the ipod. when turning it back on, your ipod will function properly and you can restart your game!
the day that the iPod touch is really cheap its on black Friday
yes you can and in my opinion white is better then black ipod touch 4g :]
hold down the button with a square on it until it turns on!
The only one available is the black
it gets better
... nothing
No, the iPod Touch cannot come in purple. The iPod touch can only come in one color, which is silver on the back with a black front. No other colors have been made for the iPod touch yet.
by pressing the power buttom on the top
When you sync a iPod touch it backs up your iPod and it can download all the songs on your computer (if you choose that option when you go to you iPod setting in music on your computer) :)