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They were usually separated and usually never came back together.

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Q: What happened to slave families if members of the family were sold?
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What was the greatest threat to a slave familys stability?

The greatest threat to the stability of the slave families is that the family members were separated from the rest.

What was the status of the black slave family?

The status of the black slave family was not good. These individuals and their family were not treated as equals to the white families that surrounded them.

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What protection did black slave families have from being broken up?

They had no protection from this. They were at the mercy of their owner. If he wanted to punish the slaves or was just ruthless, he would break apart the family and sell the other members to different slave owners.

Why was ending the international slave trade not a good thing for slaves?

Slave families were separated, and members were sold to other plantations.

Why did the slave traders separate family members?

Back then, people made money selling slaves by removing them from families to sell to other countries. Adults were often sold to buyers.

Why did they break up slave families?

they broke the slave families up because random people bought them... for example if you and your family were in a slave auction they did not know that your parents were your parents. So they picked who they wonted and sometimes y'all got separated other times you didn't.

Did Harriet Tubman have any family members alive today?

No. She was alive in the 1800's. She did have family, but as a slave records aren't kept very well. She only had a daughter when she was alive and depending on what happened to her there might be people who are distantly related to Tubman.

What was one result of the domestic slave trade?

Slave families were split up.

How did the domestic slave trade of black women affect slave families?

Unfortunately, the slave trade of black women and black people in general was devastating to slave families. Most often, families were separated, and black women never saw their families again.

How did the auction block impact slave families?

The main impact was of course, that it separated families. The stronger members, usually the men, were the most desirable. They were assumed to be able to the the most work and the bulk of the work.

Was Cleopatra violent?

Yes, Cleopatra could be violent even by ancient standards, if it suited her. She murdered her family members and purged her enemies. She also physically attacked her slave during the interview with Octavian.Yes, Cleopatra could be violent even by ancient standards, if it suited her. She murdered her family members and purged her enemies. She also physically attacked her slave during the interview with Octavian.Yes, Cleopatra could be violent even by ancient standards, if it suited her. She murdered her family members and purged her enemies. She also physically attacked her slave during the interview with Octavian.Yes, Cleopatra could be violent even by ancient standards, if it suited her. She murdered her family members and purged her enemies. She also physically attacked her slave during the interview with Octavian.Yes, Cleopatra could be violent even by ancient standards, if it suited her. She murdered her family members and purged her enemies. She also physically attacked her slave during the interview with Octavian.Yes, Cleopatra could be violent even by ancient standards, if it suited her. She murdered her family members and purged her enemies. She also physically attacked her slave during the interview with Octavian.Yes, Cleopatra could be violent even by ancient standards, if it suited her. She murdered her family members and purged her enemies. She also physically attacked her slave during the interview with Octavian.Yes, Cleopatra could be violent even by ancient standards, if it suited her. She murdered her family members and purged her enemies. She also physically attacked her slave during the interview with Octavian.Yes, Cleopatra could be violent even by ancient standards, if it suited her. She murdered her family members and purged her enemies. She also physically attacked her slave during the interview with Octavian.