She was sitting in a chair, dozing and listing to the television when she became startled. The injury she sustained in her jaw caused pain and distorted speech. She is still, more than 14 years later undergoing therapy to improve her speech.
like the leaves prob turned into the fruit!!! ;)
this happened on my car it is prob a vacum leak
prob is a abreveation for "problem."
prob is a abreveation for "problem."
Prob(A given B) = Prob(A and B)/Prob(B)
u prob not meh prob
Given two events, A and B, the probability of A or B is the probability of occurrence of only A, or only B or both. In mathematical terms: Prob(A or B) = Prob(A) + Prob(B) - Prob(A and B).
The probability is1 - [Prob(No children) + Prob(1 child, a girl) + Prob(2 children, both girls) + Prob(3 children, all girls) + ...]Not all relevant information is readily available.
idk prob but if she does its prob under private so you cant view it.
prob lil Wayne or rihanna prob lil Wayne or rihanna
The root word of "prob" is "probable," which means likely to happen or to be true.
No it will fail and they will ask you to return when you have the light out , happened to me and i was told i prob needed a brand new abs system. just so happened there was a loose wire poped it bak in and hey presto light went out