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It means ur pregnant

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Q: What happen if you miss your period for 5 months?
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Is it normal to miss your period the next month while taking Yaz birth control?

I've been on yaz for 5 months and never miss a period

Can BV cause period to stop for 5 months?

BV won't cause period to stop for 5 months.

You haven't had your period in 3 months you took 5 home pregnancy tests and they all came back not pregnant This month you have been spotting not enough to be your period but enough What is going on?

You should go see your doctor. Stress can cause you to miss a period, but three months is a little extreme.

If you are on your period for 5 months what does that mean?

if ur on your period for 5 months that's probably not good. u could have an infection which causes the bleeding and u should see a doctor

If a woman is almost 5 days late and having a cramping sensation could she be pregnant?

Just haviing a strong cramping sensation, does not mean you are pregnant, you could miss this months period entirely and it could well come on time next months cycle.

Can a goat be pregnant for 8 months?

No. The gestation period of a doe is only 5 months long, not 8 months.

What is the gestation period of an antelope?

The gestation period of an antelope varies depending on the species, but generally ranges from 6 to 9 months.

Do you have to wait for a week after you missed your period or can you test after 4 days and how accurate is it?

depeding on the brand of pregnancy tests, you can take them up to 5 days BEFORE you miss your period. You can take one as soon as you miss your period. However, the longer you wait after you miss, the more accurate the test will be.

What is the longest a girl can miss her period?

Once a month. Even though it usually lasts for about 2-7 days.

What is a gestation period for sheep?

144-151 days, or about 5 months.

How long is a narwhal period?

For a narwhal, gestation lasts about 5 months.

What is the pregnancy period of the whale?

The pregnancy period of the whale is 5 seconds